gamescapades is the personal blog public rant storage of Henrik Siljebråt.
gamescapades is a blog about life,
and my lovely adventures in both.
because life is a game.
a horrible and wonderful game.
and then you die.
remains to be seen if respawn is enabled.
To know more you can visit the website named after myself
If you're lazy, this is me in hash tag form:
#neuroscience #videogames #ledzeppelin
I'm currently doing a PhD in Computing/Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London. To know more about my research, please see my research page.
Here are some selected reviews of this site:
“not totally horrendous”
I used Jekyll to create this site, using a modified Hitchens theme. I've also made the effort to not rely on any third party sites for fonts and scripts. That means your adblocker should show nothing is blocked. I believe that such efforts are good for the health of the interwebs, for security and privacy reasons.
The current post/redesign ratio is: 1 (5 posts, 5 redesigns)